What Should You Do if You Have a Tire Blowout?

Around 2,000 car accidents occur due to tire blowouts annually.

If you’ve ever been in a vehicle when there was a tire blowout, you know just how scary it can be. However, reacting correctly will help you avoid accidents, injuries, or even deaths.

But what should you do if you have a tire blowout? Of course, you’ll need to stay calm, but there are other key response actions to take. Keep reading this article to find out how you should react if your car’s tire ruptures.

What Exactly Is a Tire Blowout?

You may have heard the terms “tire blowout” and “flat tire” used interchangeably, but these tire problems are actually two very different events.

Blowouts happen when a tire loses pressure quickly, unlike flat tires, which typically lose pressure slowly. Blowouts don’t occur as frequently as they used to since most current tires generally are highly dependable. And they are now more avoidable than ever, thanks to the introduction of Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) in contemporary automobiles.

Still, they do happen. And if it happens to you, you’ll need to know what to do quickly and calmly.

Tire Blowout Causes Explained

Tire blowouts are frequently caused by careless maintenance.

The life of your car’s tires depends on ensuring they are inflated correctly. When a tire is underinflated, the walls of the tire become more pliable than usual. As you drive, heat builds up in the rubber, or the wheel catches on the tire’s sidewall, leading to a blowout.

The months of May through October are hazardous for tires because of the substantially higher air and asphalt temperatures, which have an impact on tire pressure.

When it comes to tire blowouts, overinflated tires also play a role. Overinflated tires are more vulnerable to damage from road hazards such as big pebbles, potholes, and other dangers, especially during winter.

A blowout on your car is also possible due to exceeding the weight limit, severe punctures, aging, and wear.

What Happens During a Car Tire Blowout?

When your tire bursts, you can notice multiple things happening at once.

The first thing you’ll hear is a tremendous boom or blast. The tire’s quick and fast release of pressure causes this sound.

Finally, when the deflated tire continues to make contact with the road, you will hear a flapping and flopping sound. This is followed by the sound of air whooshing out as the air is driven out of the tire.

Your car will start to slow down and pull to the left or right as soon as the blowout happens. When one of the front tires blows, the vehicle may begin to shake, and the rear tires will cause the car to wobble back and forth. The vehicle may also start to vibrate.

What Should You Do if You Have a Tire Blowout?

BANG! What was that noise, and why is my car being difficult suddenly?

Staying cool is the first thing you should do in any emergency, especially if you’re driving. Take a deep breath and focus on the road to avoid an accident. You’ll be safer and able to think more clearly if you maintain your composure.

First, hold onto the steering wheel firmly. Avoid yanking the steering wheel or making rapid motions to urge the automobile in the direction you want it to travel. While fighting the wheel’s natural tendency to pull in the direction of the flat tire may be challenging, doing so will keep your car moving ahead.

Avoid slamming on the brakes. Your instinct will be to slam on the brakes, but hold back. Instead, pick up speed.

There is no speed gain with a brief push of the gas pedal (the blown tire will actually create drag.) The car will become more stable if the accelerator is pressed. Additionally, it helps you avoid twisting the wheel or using the brakes out of habit.

Pull over as you progressively slow down and begin to move to the side of the road. Despite the fact that you could have increased your speed, a tire blowout will reduce it, and the car will start to slow down. After pressing the accelerator, slowly release the pedal to let the car coast and slow down.

To help the car come to a halt, you can softly use the brake.

Turn your emergency flashers on. If at all feasible, place cones, reflective triangles, or flares to warn oncoming motorists of the danger.

If at all possible, begin to replace the tire. However, only change your tire if the area is secure and your car is sufficiently off the road. Contact roadside assistance and wait for assistance if you cannot do it yourself.

How to Prevent a Front and Back Tire Blowout

Taking a few measures before you get on the road may prevent the unpleasant scenario resulting from a tire blowout.

Regular tire maintenance is the best line of protection against tire blowouts on the road. Tire rotations should be performed every 5,000 miles, along with checking the tread depth and checking the  tire pressure. And always be sure to check and maintain the quality and air pressure in your spare tire.

Stay Safe During a Car Tire Blowout

What should you do if you have a tire blowout? Now you know!

As you’ve learned, car blowouts can be quite scary. However, as long as you know what to do and how to react safely and calmly, you’ll be okay. 

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